Tag Archives: Motivation

The light at the end of the tunnel or Having your dream come true

5 May

I sometimes wonder why we mostly put our thoughts down on paper when times are bad.

Why are we more inclined to introspection when feeling down? Reading through my old diaries I wish I would have put some time apart to write in those moments of happiness as well and not only when feeling sad.  I understand that while being ecstatic we only desire to enjoy ourselves but reading about such a pleasurable moment brings back the feeling and reminds you that life until now had its ups and downs.

I’ve spent many months worrying about my college applications and most of my posts on my blog or diary entries until I was done with them have at least one reference to the stress and anxiety I was feeling. I only now notice that I haven’t even written once about the subject since I received the answers on the 28th of March.

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Tiny little racquet or My private reserve of happiness and passion

3 May

Daily Prompt: The Little Things. Describe a little thing — one of the things you love that define your world but is often overlooked.

Today’s daily prompt is something that resonated with me, as I am one of those persons who believe that live if made out of details and little things.

Perhaps because of this belief I also found it very difficult to pinpoint only one small feature of my life. But I as was starring at the blank word document in front of me, my mind frantically trying to separate one idea from the millions that were passing through it, I noticed that I was involuntarily biting at my necklace, actually the medallion on it.

And then it hit me. My entire life is somehow summed  up in that medallion and it stands for so many of my actions, my experiences, my desires, my frustrations that I couldn’t possibly find something else of that little size but of that enormous importance to me and my daily life.

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Part 2 of MUN’s or About what you can achieve when you put your mind to it

29 Apr

One of my first posts was about Model United Nations conferences and their importance.

MUN’s and about not just feeling important.

The advantages I enumerated there were numerous and the conclusion was that development was inevitable. In light of my most recent MUN abroad conference I took part in, I want to reinforce and add to my post. And in order not to ramble too much, I want to focus on 2 aspects that made another MUN conference one of the best weeks of my life:
1.    The advantages of a bright-minded environment
2.    The power and results of pushing your limits/boundaries and stepping outside your comfort zone

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Earlier than sunrise or Being the only one awake

27 Apr

This post comes as the answer to Today’s daily prompt, Early bird, or night owl?,  and is actually something I have long wanted to write about.

Daily Prompt: Your Time to Shine.

Ever since I can remember, I was always the first one to get up in my family. Or probably around the same time as my mother and grandmother. Meeting both of them in the kitchen at 5 am used to be our morning ritual. Perhaps it is in our genetic code to wake up at crazy morning hours but I am and will forever be grateful for this habit.

Simply put, I feel that the earlier you wake up, the longer your day is, and the more you can do.

Sunrise on the tennis court

Waking up before the sun rise or being woken by the sun rays in the summer is probably the best feeling there is. Opening the window, going out for a run when the entire town is still sleeping empowers you, makes you feel you own the world. And in a way, you do. You gain time and momentum and while you live, others miss it. At least this is the way I see it.

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Staying on the spot when all I want to do is run

28 Jan

I thought then the moment I would click send on all those applications on the 1st of January I would be overwhelmed by relief and could finally go on with my life. Oh, how wrong I was. All I feel is being restrained and powerless. It may sound dramatic but my future is being decided on somewhere far away and there is nothing more I can do to influence it. For somebody who has always taken pride in being in charge of her life and destiny this state of being is very unusual and comfortable. What is more, it has left me with no incentive for anything and too much time to think. No matter my grades this semester or the ones from the leaving examination everybody is stressing over, I can no longer influence where I will be in 8 months time. And the immensity of possibilities is scary. In 8 months time I could be living my dream in New York and play for a great university having the world at my feet, or I could still be stuck with my family in a city I have wanted to get away from for the last past 10 years. And all I have worked for will be in vain or will pay off.

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Decision or Finding my desire again. I Am a Tennis Player

18 Jan

I always said my greatest fear was being mediocre and that I want to live an exciting life. Well I can assure you I got my wish. I have done some amazing things during my short life but what I feel I have gained the most is the emotional maturity I have reached.

These past two weeks in which I have not written were some of the most demanding and challenging ones I have ever experienced. And I now refer to the emotional roller coaster I have been through and not one of those exciting weeks of visiting 5 countries and trying out living to the full.

And the reason why I have not written is because I do enjoy having clarity in my posts. I want to know what I want to say and how to do it and even in my diary when writing through states of sadness or being angry or extremely happy I usually find that balance between my emotions and the peace of mind I need in order to be coherent.

In my last post I wrote about a decision I had to make and a choice that was laid in front of me. I knew the time was coming to face that question and I still felt unprepared. I had successfully avoided it for the past 10 years of my existence, it was impossible for me to sit down and solve my problem in a few days. Now, I can contently say I know the answer.

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Fitspiration or not losing your goals out of sight

30 Dec

Day 6 of this week’s writing challenge.

Weekly Writing Challenge: Just Do It!.

Initially, I thought that all of this week’s post will be serious ones: posts that will let my opinions shout and prove a point or have a literary value. But thinking more about it, I decided that my fitspiration posts are as much part of myself as are my story parts, my daily prompts responses or my personal diary entries. So for those still going to the gym in these holiday days, or for those who wish they did but find not find enough strength to do so, here you go:

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